(Photo Above: Taken at Monterey Bay Aquarium)

I would like to take a moment here to pause, and give everyone some news about the blog and myself


I have silently updated my blog with my twitter button. Someone found my secret twitter account and added me sometime ago. Since then the number has been growing steadily, and now I decided it is time to make it public. Besides the tweets about new posts, I will also post about  weather related incidents, health alerts, events in cities, and other fun articles I found!

Travel (February – April)

(Photo Above: San Francisco)

This is a big year for San Francisco! For people who love sailing competitions, America’s Cup will be hosted at the piers in San Francisco during August for two events! Not to mention San Francisco will be home to America’s Cup Finals for 2013 race!

Another big thing is racing season is coming up! (Starts in May) For all people who love cars, motorcycles, retro & antique cars, super cars, MotoGP , Le Mans…you name it, California has it all!

With those two big events in mind, I will be in San Francisco and Monterey every week for the next 2 to 3 months. Thats right, I will be commuting between two cities on weekly basis. There will be lots of posts about where to stay, must eat restaurants, yummy desserts, and things you must see. For those of you who are planning to visit or return to San Francisco and Monterey during summer, stay tuned and I will show you what you signed up for & more!

My Life

I quit my part time job late last year to go back to school. I am taking 4 classes for this semester plus an internship. I am currently taking Broadcasting & Media courses, and hopefully I will be able to bring something new and fresh from my classes to my blog for all readers (new opportunities are welcome too)! Needless to say, I am still learning how to juggle between everything all at once since school started in mid January O_O so I am still a bit shaky. (I dreamed about missing deadlines for my class assignments for a couple nights ~ ) I am happy though: finally I can take the classes I really want and matters to me! One more step towards my goal of make a different in the world!

Getting back in shape is another thing on my mind. During winter vacation, I travel, I walk, I hike, but I eat A LOT. Every time I am in Asia I feel like I have to eat everything or else I won’t see them again for another couple months! That “limited time” flag in my head prompted me to stuff myself, and it shows on the weight scale (+4kg gain is not fun). So,I have succumbed to TV’s exercising infomercials and actually ordered one! (I cannot believe myself x_X). That’s see how everything works out when June comes!

For those who wants to read more Japan or Taiwan travel posts, don’t worry, those will be back again in late summer!