It has never been easy to find a reliable, convenient, bright, easy to get along travel helper, and after the couple months of browsing lots of ads and photos online, I am glad to announce, I found one.

This one is bright metallic red, has shootings modes like “Beauty Skin,” “background blur,” “Vignetting,” “funny face”, comes with touch screen, and the screen will flip up so you can see yourself when taking self portraits. This is a Samsung MV800 that I received in my mail today!

I rejoiced when I was playing with this camera today. I have been going through tough times to take self portraits or with other friends when there is no “extra” camera man around, and this camera will solve my problem.

The screen of this camera actually flips up!! So when you are aiming the camera at yourself and a group of friends, you guys can actually see the screen and not have to worry about if everyone is included in the photo. The camera fits my palm no problem, and it is light weight so no worries about hurting my wrist when taking photos with my friends.

I played with it a bit more, and the food photo above was taking in the “close up” shooting mode. If you want to adjust the light and quality of the photo, just press the menu button on the screen and the adjustment bars will appear.

Last but not least, a photo of myself using the “beauty shot” mode. This mode makes the skin look smoother, brighter, and less lines & wrinkles on the face. Not bad on my first try!!

Overall, I still need to play around with this camera more to see how other features work. There are only like 4 external buttons, so it was hard for me to get use to finding everything by using the touch screen at first. For now I think I will be having a lot of fun just playing with the self portrait and beauty shooting mode.